A much appreciated satire, hilarious and thought-provoking, recommended by Mark Fisher in his essay "Capitalist Realism". Mike Judge, the director & writer of the original animated material, makes an accurate depiction of daily life at work in a service-oriented corporation. The obsession with layoffs, the quotidian harassing by the boss, the absurdity of bureaucratic demands, the boot-licking of the submissive faction VS the fear and hopelessness of the rest, and even the most mundane details (esp. the constantly defective copy-machine) hit home. Much material indeed for social commentary. The most striking is the tyrannical order of EXPRESSING YOURSELF, a revelatory contradiction.
三星半 将人的命运与时代、民族、历史的变迁相结合从人物角度来感染观众揭露那个时代对人的摧残 全片用现在时空的线索来引出过去时空的故事或利用人物的讲述与回忆或利用书信现在与过去相交织加深了人物的性格与形象一日钟情深化了情感 人性的光辉与罪恶 面具心理 未来的希望